Coney Island

A Short Tour of Coney Island

We went to Coney Island in long pants and armed with insect repellant – all except for WJ. He’d rather deal with the risk of sandfly attacks than sweat too much.

Coney Island
Waited ages just to take a shot of the gates without anyone blocking it!

We’d read that there was a lone cow somewhere on the island and it was WJ’s mission of the day to find it. Unfortunately, he failed and there was no sign of it.

We did stumble onto someone having the most relaxing smoke on a hammock though. I hope he put threw away his cigarettes into a dustbin properly after he was done smoking!

Coney Island

There were quite a number of cyclists and some paths were a bit narrow, so watch out if you’re walking!

We saw a pair of teenagers posing and doing their personal photoshoot, and a couple dressed in their wedding finery having their pre-wedding photoshoot. The poor groom-to-be was holding a box of tissues and trying to dry his sweaty face. It was very humid that day.

Since the beach areas were supposedly a haven for sandflies, we didn’t go down too closely. But we still managed to spot a couple of the pesky sandflies where we stood. WJ almost got bitten by one, so thank goodness he shook it off before it drew blood!

I thought they would mostly keep to the lower body parts, but the sandflies were flying near our arms too. So better be safe than sorry and bring a thin parka if you’re heading to Coney Island!

I love lallang, so I was happy to find spots of the plant around the island!

Coney Island

And we also spotted a few bird’s nests high on the trees. To find some too, just keep looking up to search for sacks of balls hanging from branches.

After less than an hour, the darkening sky was rumbling loudly and we quickly left the island to avoid the oncoming downpour.

We’ll have to come again another time to better explore Coney Island. And hopefully, spot the cow.

Coney Island

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