Helmet Diving in Boracay
Asia,  Boracay,  Krabi,  Philippines,  Thailand

Adios, Fear of Snorkelling!

I used to be deathly afraid of snorkelling. Not really because of the water, but what was in the water. The fishes to be exact. And I’m not talking just about the huge fishes like tuna, but also the tiny ones. I hated the feeling (or thought) of them touching me or worse, nibbling at me. So you can probably tell that I’ve never been to a fish spa. No way, José!

Fish spa in Siem Reap

When WJ and I went for the island hopping tours in Krabi, snorkelling stops were included in the tour. Did I try going down into the water? Of course I did!

But what did the guide do? He threw torn pieces of bread right at me! The fishes swarmed around me and I panicked. I’m normally elegant on dry land (or at least I’d like to think so), but I probably looked like an idiot struggling in the water trying to get back to the boat as fast as I could!

We should always face our fears, right? So I’ve been trying to do that slowly over the years. At least now I can go helmet diving! But I still screamed a little when the fishes came near me. Whoops!

Next up, diving?

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