Beautiful architecture in Munich
Europe,  Germany,  Munich

Career Break Travel: Munich

This was it! The start of our trip!

We chose Munich to kick off our 3-month trip because it was the closest to the countries we wanted to visit, and we’d accumulated enough miles for 2 one-way direct flights from Singapore.

Not sure where we got the misconception from, but we thought that Munich would be boring. We didn’t know that we would like it so much!

The opulent Munich Residenz

Days spent here

Only 3 short days!


  • The beautiful architecture – Our first time in Europe and we were greeted with the postcard-perfect Marienplatz!
  • The stunning interiors – We went church-hopping and we were awed by all the pretty details in the churches. My jaws literally dropped when we walked into Assam Church. It was small but so, so beautiful. My other favourite was the Holy Ghost Church with its pretty pastel shades.

We were also blown away by the lavish interiors of Residenz. One of the rooms was dripping in gold! Another had every inch covered in paintings and the sides lined with ancient busts. Getting lost finding the Residenz was definitely worth it!


  • Dachau concentration camp – Placed in the lowlights section because of how it made us feel. It was a very sombre day to visit the very first concentration camp that expanded to over 1,000 similar camps. It really hit us how badly humans could treat their kind.

We opted to take the audio guides over joining the tour so we could take our time exploring and spent over 4 hours there. We could have easily stayed longer if it wasn’t about to close.

Fun mention

  • WJ started to crave for Asian food from the second day on our 3-month trip! Too bad for him, we didn’t manage to see any that looked authentic enough.

Where we stayed

We stayed at Novum Hotel München (Am Hauptbahnhof) – no frills and just opposite the central train station. It was also very close to the Flixbus stop, which was perfect for us.

Our room didn’t come with air-con, something that we assumed would be a given. But the weather at night was cooling and we didn’t need it anyway.

How much we spent


We spent a total of S$640.04 for the both of us.

Transport costs include the flight from Singapore to Munich. We only had to pay $68 in taxes after redeeming both tickets using our hard-earned miles!

Buskers in Munich

Where we went next

We took a 5-hour Flixbus early in the morning to Prague. It was quite comfy and we easily passed that time reading (me) and playing games (WJ)!

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