• Flags at Magic Island, Boracay, Philippines
    Asia,  Boracay,  Philippines

    Magic Island: Just Jump!

    My heart was pounding in my chest. I looked down at the crystal clear waters and tried to calm myself. "Jump! Jump! Jump!" a chant started up around me. Oh god... I turned around to look at the group of spectators edging me on and gave a weak smile.

  • Wat Chedi Luang
    Asia,  Chiang Mai,  Thailand

    Chiang Mai in 54 Photos

    It was rainy when we arrived in Chiang Mai last July, what with the wet season having just begun. Thank goodness DT could drive and we rented a car for the entire 5-day trip so we didn't get very wet!

  • Poolside Daybeds

    Hotel Review: Golden Temple Hotel

    I think I've found my favourite hotel! Located just a 10-minute walk (or a 3-minute tuk-tuk ride) from Old Market and Pub Street, Golden Temple Hotel is convenient yet serene. Don't confuse it with its siblings, Golden Temple Villa and Golden Temple Residence, which are in the vicinity as well!

  • Bayon

    Roaming the Temples of Siem Reap: Part 2

    It's the second day of our 2-day temple tour. We're well-rested after the previous day of eating, cooking, eating and more eating, and pumped to go. Because we didn't read much about the temples of Siem Reap before we went for this trip, we didn't know much about them other than Angkor Wat. So when our driver told us we'd be going to Angkor Thom and 2 to 3 temples after that, we thought it'd be a relaxing day slowly exploring the few temples.

  • Exploring Angkor Wat

    Roaming the Temples of Siem Reap: Part 1

    We woke up in the early morning with barely 4 hours of sleep when it was still dark out. Sleepily rubbing our eyes, we walked to the reception to wait for our driver and to collect our free picnic breakfast. Our driver was already waiting for us. He gave one glance at me and said I had to wear longer pants.

  • Khmer curry in Siem Reap

    Cooking Curry in the Cambodian Heat

    Mmm... Khmer curry. How do I describe it? It's sweet and not too spicy, and perfect for my stomach. I love curry, but too much of it and I'll get an upset tummy! Even worse, some curries are so spicy I can't even finish my first mouthful! Previously, my favourite was the duck with lychee in red curry in Krabi.

  • Quad Bike Adventure in Cambodia

    Quad Bike Adventure in Siem Reap

    "You need solid shoes, long pants, and most important(ly), do not forget to bring an adventurous spirit!" This was the advice written on the brochure. We might have forgotten the first two items, but we sure brought enough of the third! After a short tuk-tuk ride from Golden Temple Hotel where we were staying at, we reached the small compound of Quad Adventure Cambodia full of anticipation.

  • Duck with lychee in red curry
    Asia,  Krabi,  Thailand

    Craving for Krabi

    The soft sand crumbles beneath your toes as the sun beams down upon you. A cool breeze blows softly, and you tuck your hair behind your ear with a flower. With a glass of freshly squeezed juice in your hand, you look across the expanse of the ocean and sigh contently. All is well.