Scenic Danshui/Tamsui, Taiwan
Asia,  Taipei,  Taiwan

Chasing the Sunset at Fisherman’s Wharf

The weather was cooling in January, and we decided to take public transport and walk. Bus signs in Taiwan are all written in Mandarin so we took awhile to find the stop we wanted to alight at Danshui Fisherman’s Wharf, here we come!

With a name like Danshui Fisherman’s Wharf (淡水漁人碼頭), you know the place is going to offer lots of fresh seafood! We didn’t try any but we passed by many sea-facing restaurants serving seafood.

The scenic harbour is also home to many boats. We spotted quite a few people fishing in the area and fishing boats out in the open sea. It made plenty of good photo opportunities against the setting sun!

The Lover’s Bridge (情人桥) at the Fisherman’s Wharf is a great place for a long, romantic stroll. You just have to ignore the mild crowd and focus on your partner. It’s best to go on weekdays!

We were lucky the weather was great for walking (no sweat!) and the sky was an amazing blue. Every picture we took turned out so, so good. If only Singapore has this weather! I’d be walking around so much more…

As we’d already made dinner arrangements with our friends back in Taipei, we didn’t stay too long. But Fisherman’s Wharf is a great place to spend half the day just relaxing and admiring the views if you have the time. Life seems slower here and nobody rushes you along.

Just look at that amazing sunset – dusty gold and shades of pink. Looking through my photos makes me want to go back to Taiwan again soon!

The itch is real.

Scenic Danshui/Tamsui, Taiwan

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