Lake Como
Europe,  Italy,  Lake Como

Lost at Lake Como

A minute before we rolled into Varenna Esino station where we wanted to start our day at Lake Como, an announcement came up about walking to the front of the train as the railway was shorter at the station. We were at the last cabin of the train, and the announcement in English was broadcasted just as the train rolled to a stop.

Panicking a little, we hurried our way to the cabins closer to the front of the train. And being Singaporeans, we were so used to the train doors opening automatically for us. They didn’t.

We ran to the next door, and to the next, and to the next. None of the doors opened for us! We tried asking the passengers for help, but nobody seemed to understand what we were talking about. Or perhaps, they thought that we were 3 idiots who didn’t know how doors work (and rightly so).

Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to get off the train in time, and only figured out that we had to manually pull open the doors when we saw another passenger do so. Yes, we really were idiots.


We ended up at the next stop in Bellano, way too far to walk back. The surroundings right outside the station weren’t very promising with no stores around, and not a single soul we could ask for directions for an alternative way to get to Varenna Esino. Even the train office was locked and empty!

With a 2-hour wait for the next train, we decided to use the time to explore the town. So we walked further in, and most of the stores or workshops along the way were closed. The petrol stations we passed by were unfortunately self-service and not manned by humans. And the lone person we walked past couldn’t really understand where we were trying to go, but told us to go further into town.

And finally, we reached civilisation.

As it turns out, Bellano is a cheery small town that’s famous for the Orrido Gorge which was formed 15 million years ago. We were almost swayed into going there instead of to Lake Como for a moment. But we figured that it would be freezing cold in winter and we weren’t properly prepared for that. Till our next trip!

Varenna Esino

After enjoying an early lunch / second breakfast, we made our way back to the train station. And cheered (internally) when we finally made it to Varenna Esino!

And after booking the next ferry that would bring us to Bellagio, we walked aimlessly around the town and said hello to the swans and ducks swimming in the crystal clear waters. What an idyllic life they have!


The 15-minute ferry ride from Varenna Esino to Bellagio was so peaceful and scenic (and extremely windy). Being at Lake Como was definitely a breather for my senses – away from the city lights and noise, gazing at nature, and just being in the now.

Bellagio is home to many charming alleyways, and also lots of stairs. We walked up and down quite a number of times while exploring the town and finding a nice place for our second lunch. I can also see why Bellagio is known as the Pearl of Lake Como. Can’t you?

If you’re a city person, then yes, there technically isn’t much to do at Lake Como. But picturesque surroundings and beautiful scenery are all around you. All you have to do is slow down and chill.

Lake Como

Lake Como was our next stop after Venice and our last leg of our Italy trip before we flew back (unwillingly) to Singapore from Milan.


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