Beautiful beach in Phuket
Asia,  Phuket,  Thailand

Phuket: The Last Trip for a Long While

After trying a few times, WJ has learnt that he’s bad at keeping secrets from me. So the location of my birthday trip this time wasn’t a secret, but he managed to surprise me by getting my sister and her boyfriend to fly to Phuket on an earlier flight! My parents went with us on the same flight and were in the know too. Good job, WJ, for finally getting one over me!

Where we went


We went to way too many beaches in Phuket to remember their names!

Beautiful sunset in Phuket

The most memorable one would have to be Laem Singh Beach as it was the hardest one to reach. We walked over slippery rocks and rickety paths, but the beach was definitely worth it! There were not many people there, a welcome breather from the sometimes too-crowded Phuket beaches.

We also did stand up paddling at one of the beaches, and paddled into a part of the sea where there was quite a lot of tiny jellyfish. Luckily, none of us got stung!

Bang Mud Floating Restaurant

It’s hard to get to if you don’t rent a car! The food is obviously fresh as the fish and other seafood are kept in nets in the water until they’re picked out by the staff to be prepared for your meal. Think kelongs!

We were brought here by our driver (and his kid), and we asked him to help pick out some dishes so we could share them. He selected a few additional dishes on the pricier range and didn’t let us know, so we were a bit annoyed as we had to pay a lot more than we expected!

Gun range

Gun range in Phuket

I’ve always envisioned myself to be a good shot (even though I have never fired a real gun in my life). Unfortunately, after holding and firing one in the gun range, I now declare myself terrible at it. I was the worst shot of the group, excluding my mother who only fired a few shots and didn’t want to continue ‘cos it was too loud.


Again, I was the slowest of the group (excluding the parents who didn’t want to play). I think I’m too kiasi to excel in these sorts of games.

Dino Park Mini Golf

Mini golf was a very nice surprise.

Dino Park mini golf in Phuket

It was my first time playing it and I always thought it would be a bit lame, but it was lots of fun! We’ll definitely be playing mini golf again in the future.

One hilarious part was when my sister managed to hit the ball into the water, and we had to dig it out with our golf clubs. Of course, that set her back a lot of points!

Kathu Buggy

Kathu Buggy in Phuket

The results are out! I’m a better driver than WJ ‘cos I managed to drive past all the bumps and potholes without trouble, while WJ kept getting stuck. Tee hee hee!

Chillva Market

The night market where cheeky WJ tricked my parents into trying crocodile meat. They happily said it tasted like tough chicken meat until we burst out laughing and spilled the beans!

Where we stayed at

Blu Monkey Bed & Breakfast

We received a gift basket with snacks from the hotel as it was my birthday – always a plus point!

The room was pretty basic, but comfortable and clean. They also had books and magazines you could borrow at the lobby.

Nua Tone Resort and Cafe

I’m terrified of cats, and at this hotel? There were way too many cats for me to handle, especially during breakfast time. I was always ready to run while eating, and keeping both eyes out for the cats.

Other than the number of cats, the hotel was pretty good. There were “rope beds” that we could lie on and relax, and two swinging chairs we had fun sitting in. The room was quite comfy too and even had a bean bag at the side of the bed. The only problem we had was that our heater kept breaking down, so we took a couple of cold showers.

Bamboo Heavenhome

There was one cat here which seemed to love our room and kept sitting on the porch outside and staring in from the window. Again, other than the cat, the room was big and comfy. You had to go down the steps to the toilet and shower, which gave off rain shower vibes but was completely covered.

And even though our pineapple float was obviously oversized for the tiny pool, we had a relaxing time floating about on it.

Unfortunately, Phuket was the last trip we could take since the COVID situation worsened when we got back, and the Circuit Breaker happened with no one being allowed to travel. The travel bug is definitely beginning to itch more and more, and we’re trying to curb it by watching travel shows and researching more for when the virus is under control!


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