A morning at Pulau Ubin
Need to get away from the hustle and bustle from the city life, but only have a single day? Luckily we have Pulau Ubin just a short while away then!

We, a party of 6, took the bumboat from Changi Point Ferry Terminal at $2.50 each. The boat only leaves when they have 12 people, so we had to wait a little while. You can pay $30 to go right away, but there’s not much point since the wait is very short on weekends.

We cycled to Chek Jawa, but because the tide had risen, we couldn’t see the sea-life. 🙁 It’s best to go very early in the morning, or you can check the tide height before heading down. That’s all we managed to see – a clump of seagrass peeking out. If it’s seagrass!

This was one of the boardwalks where you can see the sea-life if the tides are low enough. The sun was scorching hot! Thank goodness this time I wore a hat.

Climbing up to the top of the Jejawi Tower, you can get a great view of the surroundings! It’s 21 metres tall, so be prepared to climb a bit. My mum refused to go up and sat at the bottom of the steps, playing her beloved ‘Candy Crush’. Tsk.

There were wild boars roaming around the entrance to Chek Jawa. A van stopped by and the passengers fed them some scraps, but I don’t think that’s allowed! Before that though, the boars were already going through some rubbish on the ground, crushing the milk cartons and drinking the milk!

so nice the photos
Walking with Wally
Thanks! 🙂
Interesting photos.
Walking with Wally
Thanks 🙂