Meomi Cat Cafe

Sleepy Cats at Meomi Cat Cafe

I knew exactly where I wanted to bring WJ for his Christmas surprise – a cat café!

The only problem?

I’m terrified of cats (and most animals).

Since love triumphs all (teehee), I decided to go ahead and give him an awesome Christmas special. I decided on Meomi Cat Café after reading a couple of reviews on their Facebook page. One customer was scared of cats too, but managed to survive her ordeal trip there, so I figured I would be the same.

We arrived at about 4.30pm to a full house. After waiting for about 15 minutes, we managed to get a slot! Everyone gets a complimentary drink with entry, and we paid $13 for an hour at the cosy cafe.

Meomi Cat Cafe

After being informed of the house rules and sanitising our hands, it was time to face…

The cats!

Meomi Cat Café is home to 7 cats, all of different species.

Meomi Cat Cafe

There’s Coo, the largest cat of the group. She’s the queen bee and oh, so coo-l. (Notice what I did there?) Which was great because she mostly just sat around so I had one less cat to keep an eye out for.

Then there’s Mario the munchkin cat. He’s so chubby with his stumpy legs! Too bad nearing the end of our stay he stayed up on one of the wooden platforms so I continue laughing at the way he ran.

And there’s Junior and Oreo, both grey cats with similar coats. Oreo has a chubby belly and the owner told us that many customers mistook it for a pregnant tummy. Nope! She’s not pregnant!

Meomi Cat Cafe

Junior has a bit of a sulky face.

Meomi Cat Cafe
Photo stolen from WJ

There’s Luna, a silky black cat. She spent most of our visit napping in various corners, which gave me enough courage to stroke her gently. Woohoo! 10 points to me!

Meomi Cat Cafe

And then there’s Curley, who cheated people’s feelings. She climbed up and down the various wooden platforms on the wall, but never came down despite constant cooing. Pfft, what a player.

Meomi Cat Cafe

And lastly, there’s Frowny. She looked so pretty and fluffy, but she never came down from her perch on the highest platform. She napped almost the whole time we were there, unfortunately.

We got a show of the owner cutting the nails of Junior. He liked the feeling so much he managed to fall asleep in her arms midway!

I think the small space of the café was an advantage. With less room for the cats to wander, there’s a higher chance you get to see, touch and play with them. The maximum capacity is about 12 to 14 people, so with 1 cat to 2 humans, there’s a pretty good bet you’ll be having quality time with the furballs!

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