• Poolside Daybeds

    Hotel Review: Golden Temple Hotel

    I think I've found my favourite hotel! Located just a 10-minute walk (or a 3-minute tuk-tuk ride) from Old Market and Pub Street, Golden Temple Hotel is convenient yet serene. Don't confuse it with its siblings, Golden Temple Villa and Golden Temple Residence, which are in the vicinity as well!

  • Khmer curry in Siem Reap

    Cooking Curry in the Cambodian Heat

    Mmm... Khmer curry. How do I describe it? It's sweet and not too spicy, and perfect for my stomach. I love curry, but too much of it and I'll get an upset tummy! Even worse, some curries are so spicy I can't even finish my first mouthful! Previously, my favourite was the duck with lychee in red curry in Krabi.