• Nami Resort (Casa Mia) in Boracay
    Asia,  Boracay,  Philippines

    Hotel Review: Casa Mia at Nami Resort

    From one end of Boracay to the other end: Hello Diniwid Beach! You're a wee little thing, aren't you? When we booked Casa Mia at Nami Resort (what a mouthful!), it wasn't our first choice. One of our friends had booked the last room at Nami Resort and we wanted to stay close by because that's what group holidays are about. We didn't have many choices what with Diniwid Beach being such a tiny stretch of beach, so we booked Casa Mia since it was within the Nami Resort compound. And it was much cheaper than the Nami Resort rooms!

  • Poolside Daybeds

    Hotel Review: Golden Temple Hotel

    I think I've found my favourite hotel! Located just a 10-minute walk (or a 3-minute tuk-tuk ride) from Old Market and Pub Street, Golden Temple Hotel is convenient yet serene. Don't confuse it with its siblings, Golden Temple Villa and Golden Temple Residence, which are in the vicinity as well!