• Shirakawa-go huts
    Asia,  Chubu Region,  Japan

    Shirakawa-go: Little Town of Huts

    Shirakawa-go, home to cute little farmhouses which roofs are built without nails, was charming. We took the first bus from Takayama (7.20am) and reached the town in about an hour with the place almost entirely to ourselves. Taking advantage of the clear grounds before other tourists started pouring in, WJ and I went straight to the Outdoor Museum Gassho Folk Museum as soon as it opened at 8.40am.

  • Hida Folk Village
    Asia,  Hida Region,  Japan

    Takayama: Sleepy Town

    Our trip to Takayama was in late November - rainy and cold. But I still loved every minute of it. I loved that the town was quiet and was devoid of crowds, and I especially loved the ryokan we stayed at! Funnily though, we still managed to bump into fellow Singaporeans there!